Friday, September 04, 2009

Funny David after Dentist

Watch the video and answer the questions I added in comments.

Write anything you can undertand.
Then look for information about anesthesia. Write about its effects and results.
The video is really funny, enjoy it !!!


Susana Canelo said...

This kid got stitches in his mouth.
1)Did he feel anything?
2) What did his father answer when he asked how it was happening to him?
3) How does he see?
4) What does the kid ask about life?
5) How many eyes does he see on his Dad's face?
6)What doesn't his dad want him to do?
7)Where does his dad want him to stay?
8) Does he feel tired?

Anonymous said...

1) no he didn`t
3) anything
4) Is that real life?
6) not to put the finger in his mouth
7) at the seat
8) no he doesn`t

by Joaquin Bruno..

Anonymous said...

Feel anything
Real life
Ok now
Are two fingers
Four finger
Feel good
Staing in your seat

Mensi Emmanuel

Anonymous said...

i don`t feel try

calegari vieja

Anonymous said...

real life...
feel anything...
are two finger or four finger...
don`t touch it...
because it happens to me...
is this for ever?...

Tossici Facundo.

Anonymous said...

1)Did he feel anything?
No, he didn´t
2) What did his father answer when he asked how it was happening to him?
yes, this is real life
3) How does he see?
he can see anything
4) What does the kid ask about life?
he asked if that is real life
5) How many eyes does he see on his Dad's face?
6)What doesn't his dad want him to do?
he tought his teeth
7)Where does his dad want him to stay?
at the seat
8) Does he feel tired?
no, he feel good but a bit foggy

Florencia Arbe

Anonymous said...

1)Did he feel anything?
no, he didn´t
2) What did his father answer when he asked how it was happening to him?
he answered that everything was OK,and added that all was just for the medicine
3) How does he see?
he can´t see anything
4) What does the kid ask about life?
the kid asked if that was real life
5) How many eyes does he see on his Dad's face?
he sees 4 eyes in his dad´s face
6)What doesn't his dad want him to do?
his dad doesn´t want him to put his finger into his mouth
7)Where does his dad want him to stay?
his dad wants him to stay in his seat
8) Does he feel tired?
no, he doesn´t

Nacho Bois

Anonymous said...

1) he didn't feel anythink
2) it's all right
3) he can't see anythink; he count four fingers
4) he screams
5) he see4 four eyes
6) "don't touch it" (the teeth)
7) quiet
8) "i don't feel tired"

Arteta Juan Tomas

Anonymous said...

-Did he feel anything?
No, he didn´t
-What did his father answer when he asked how it was happening to him?
-How many eyes does he see on his Dad's face?
he sees 4 eyes in his dad´s face
-What doesn't his dad want him to do?
his dad doesn´t want him to put his finger into his mouth
-Does he feel tired?
no, he doesn´t

Ezequiel Estelrrich QUELO

Anonymous said...

-Did he feel anything?
No, he didn´t
-What did his father answer when he asked how it was happening to him?
-How many eyes does he see on his Dad's face?
he sees 4 eyes in his dad´s face
-What doesn't his dad want him to do?
his dad doesn´t want him to put his finger into his mouth
-Does he feel tired?
no, he doesn´t

Ezequiel Estelrrich QUELO