Monday, March 20, 2006

I also work in the Escuela de Educación Media Nº 3 . It's a small school with teens from Basic Secondary to Polimodal School.
A new SUM (Multiple uses Saloon) is being built. It's really necessary,I know it's going to be very useful for all our community not just for school. I think it'll be a good place for cultural activities such us plays, concerts, art shows,etc. Just a place for meeting.


Maria Claudia Bellusci said...

Dear Susana,
I came hear on my ambulance, with the siren wailing loud, driving madly along streets, motorways and country roads, putting my life at risk and... well, the patient is up and going, in perfect health. I can see all your posts, read about your school (which looks gorgeous!!! I wish mine was a bit like yours). So all I can say is... congratulations Susan!
Warm hugs,
Claudia from BES (Blog Emergency Service)

Anonymous said...

Dear Susana congratulations! you do it a hard and beautiful work with that blog. I'm really thankful for everything you give for us everyday, everything you know, your songs, your advices, your smiles..... you're the best!! The best wishes for you, and if you like you could go to my internet page and sign there. Thank you for everything you give me.